Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Transfering Bulge from my Stomach to my Wallet

Today marks Ash Wednsday, The Beginning of Lent. I will embark on a mission to get back my old frame. (The one that attracted my wife to me). I will official begin working out twice a day - no heavy weights just running a mile, push ups and sit-ups. For the entire 40 days I will have no red meat, no pork, no fried foods, no junk foods, no sugary drinks(drinking last one now) and NO CANDY! I will need all prayers to give me strength to make it through which I know I will. At the end of the forty days I will return to red meat but only in moderation. The other items I will try to avoid. In doing this I should free up at least $150 per week/ $600 per month. I want to lose the bulge in my stomach and put it in my wallet. With this free cash flow I would like to invest the money in a couple of companies that are rumored to have IPO's in the early summer months. I believe in the companies, I actually use the products so I'm sure that they will be successful.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Pulling My Hair Out

I've been pulling my hair out lately. (If it is possible for one to do that with a close cut fade) I'm always stretched too thin. I wish I could have went back to school full time instead of part time. Having a full time job; a full time wife and responsibilities at home; plus carrying two classes that require a minimum of 10 hours of study time a week has been crazy! Sometimes I don't know which way is up. My exhaustion level is to a point where I fell out of the bed the other night while sleeping and didn't even know it. My wife had to wake me up to get me back in the bed. Crazy huh!!!! To add to that I just returned from a company trip to Vegas and have another week long trip to St. Louis in two weeks. The good news is I start a new job in June, already signed the offer letter, I graduate in May MS in Finance (Yeah!!!!) And I will be quitting my current job in April to concentrate on finishing school strong.

Monday, February 4, 2008

VIVA Las Vegas!

I'm back from a business trip to VIVA Las Vegas! Idon't know what or why it is that my company keeps flipping the bill for trips like this when they don't even tell us any information that will help the business grow... Now don't get me wrong I do appreciate the trip to Vegas (heck I actually won $150 while out there; doesn't compare to a co-worker that one $11,000 but who cares) but why must I sit through those pointless meetings. I would rather just have free time!!!!! (Ok I'm wishing upon a star) I'm still trying to figure out this bloggin thing so if anyone is out there be patient with me...