Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Transfering Bulge from my Stomach to my Wallet

Today marks Ash Wednsday, The Beginning of Lent. I will embark on a mission to get back my old frame. (The one that attracted my wife to me). I will official begin working out twice a day - no heavy weights just running a mile, push ups and sit-ups. For the entire 40 days I will have no red meat, no pork, no fried foods, no junk foods, no sugary drinks(drinking last one now) and NO CANDY! I will need all prayers to give me strength to make it through which I know I will. At the end of the forty days I will return to red meat but only in moderation. The other items I will try to avoid. In doing this I should free up at least $150 per week/ $600 per month. I want to lose the bulge in my stomach and put it in my wallet. With this free cash flow I would like to invest the money in a couple of companies that are rumored to have IPO's in the early summer months. I believe in the companies, I actually use the products so I'm sure that they will be successful.

1 comment:

Canadian Saver said...

Best of luck!!! You can do it if you really set your mind to it :-)